Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Preparation for Ash Wednesday

The ashes of Ash Wednesday serve as a reminder of the frailty of the human condition; that because of sin we shall return to the dust from which we were made. Yet our Lenten journey is not to our grave, it is to Christ's cross...a cross bore out of love for mankind...We await with patient hope that Easter Sunday, when Christ will overcome the pains of death; that all who call upon His name shall not be doomed to the eternal chains of death, but shall arise, as He has arisen...with new life, heavenly bodies, pure, and whole. We know the promise of future Easter joy, but for now, for this journey, we remember that we are: but dust of the earth; confessing to God our need for a Savior!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Here is the sermon I preached this Sunday, thought I would share it with you all :) May it be a blessing to you.

“The Silence is Broken”
Matthew 5:1-12
Dearly Beloved of the Lord,
Picture yourself, standing by the phone in your home. You are there waiting; each second could be the second that the phone rings. When it rings, you want to be right there to answer it. You are waiting to hear a medical report from a loved one hundreds of miles away: is the cancer gone, what are the options?  You are waiting to hear back from a loved one serving our country overseas, you may be waiting days, weeks, even months to get that one phone call to hear, “I’m okay.” You may be a young person, waiting to hear back from a coach, did I make the team; a potential date, will you go out with me; or a college, did I get in? Do you see yourself there, waiting? It’s not easy to wait in the uncertainty of what is to come; will the words on the other end lift us up in joy or will they break us down in sadness.
So it was with the people of God in today’s Gospel reading. They had been waiting not weeks or months, but for over four hundred years. They had been waiting to hear from their God. In Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, God had ended His communication with His people with these words: “See. I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” A warning, a threat, and then…silence. The people surely thought, “God will certainly speak to us today, if not today then tomorrow, or the next day.” But no, there was silence. For over four hundred years, not a word, not a prophet of God with a revelation. I’m sure there were times when some of these people asked, “Has God abandoned us forever?” Others might have scoffed and breathed a sigh of relief saying, “Maybe God has forgotten about us and the curse that He promised; maybe we have escaped His punishment.”
In today’s Gospel reading, the silence is broken. Jesus, God’s Son, God Himself in the flesh ascends upon a mountain to speak. The verdict for God’s people was in. The “Elijah” promised in Malachi had come, it was John the Baptist and he had told the people to repent of their sins, to turn their wayward hearts from evil and turn them towards God and be saved. Some had heeded John’s warning, but many had not, and now it was God’s turn to speak. Would this be the day that God proclaimed His curse upon all mankind?
And Jesus opens His mouth, breaks the silence, and teaches them saying, “Blessed are they….” Blessings, not curses, were the message from God to His people. Blessings for the poor in spirit, those who acknowledge their utter and total dependence on God; for even now, by faith the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them. Blessings for those who mourn over sin, who confess the wrongs they have done, the hurts they have caused, the pains they have afflicted; blessed are they because God will comfort them; He will wipe every tear from their eyes. Blessed are the meek, those who are humble, who do not boast in themselves, but put their hope in God, for on the last day, when God does come to punish the wicked and destroy the earth, the meek will inherit a new heaven and a new earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who desire God’s righteousness, God’s goodness to be manifested in their lives, for they will be satisfied, God will provide. Blessed are the merciful, for just as they extend God’s mercy to others, so also will they receive an abundance of mercy. Blessed are the pure-in heart, those who worship and serve God alone, for just as light can only be seen through pure eyes, God can only be seen through a heart that is pure and solely devoted to Him. Blessed are the peacemakers, who do not stir up anger or sow division, for they will be counted as sons and daughters in God’s family. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, who suffer for being a disciple of Christ, for though their earthly life may be wretched away, the Kingdom of heaven is theirs forever. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on Christ’s account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven!
After 400 years of silence, Jesus spoke, and when God speaks His Word always contains blessings and curses. Blessings of life and abundance for those who heed the voice of John calling in the wilderness, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is near,” and curses of death and destruction for those who deny God, who blaspheme His name, and who carry out wickedness in the world.
Blessings or curses, that is the question that faced the Israelites of old, and it is the question that faces us today. To such choices we would all shout out, “Blessings! Blessings! We all want blessings.” Yet we, like the Israelites of old, so often find ourselves turning our hearts away from God and towards the sinful desires of this world. We often depend on ourselves, rather than on God’s goodness and mercy. We rejoice over sin, especially those sins which bring us some sick form of pleasure. We are proud, we boast of our accomplishments before God and before man. We hunger and thirst after our own self-indulgencies. We are cruel and harsh to those who are weak and vulnerable. We place our hearts desires on the things of this world, we make war instead of peace, and back down at the slightest resistance to our faith. When we look at ourselves, in light of our wayward hearts, we can’t help but know that we deserve curses not blessings.
Yes, if blessing depended upon our hearts and lives remaining true in dutiful service to God; if blessings depended upon our ability to be to be humble, meek, pure, righteous, merciful, peaceful, and enduring in faith, we would be no better off than the Israelites of old; we would find ourselves back in those 400 years before Christ, just waiting for that dreadful day when God would come forth to speak His punishment…maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after the day after that.
This time though, God doesn’t leave His people to languish long in uncertainty; for God sent Jesus not only to proclaim the promise of future blessing, but to deal with the problem of sin and its curse once and for all, so that the blessings He proclaimed from that mountaintop can be opened to sinners such as us. No, God does not leave His people to languish long in uncertainty, for the silence is broken as Jesus delivers a final proclamation on the blessings and curses of mankind. It’s a proclamation that was heard in the pounding of nails, the ripping of flesh, and the outpouring of blood. A demonstration of ultimate love as Jesus takes upon himself the curse of the punishment of death, a curse that is yours and mine by rightful lot, and He bestows upon those who will believe the blessings of: His righteousness, His mercy, His humility, His peace, His life. Jesus opens up the blessings of heaven to us, and plants them by His Spirit into our hearts. He nourishes these blessings in our lives, by His Word, to cause them to grow, so that they can be manifested in our lives.
We have the blessings of Christ right here, right now in our lives. No, they have not perfectly manifested themselves in our lives, and this side of heaven we will always struggle to live out the blessings of God’s promise. And only by the proclamation of forgiveness won on the cross, can we live in the assurance of God’s blessings being brought to completion in our lives.
Thanks be to God that the silence has indeed been broken in our lives, that we have heard God’s Word proclaim life and blessing at the foot of the cross; what a blessing it is to be receivers of God’s Word, that we can bare the fruit of God’s blessings.
But Dearly Beloved, there is still a deafening silence in our world, as many in our neighborhood and world have not yet heard the good news of Christ. Maybe they live in fear knowing that if their really is by some chance a God, they cannot measure up to His holiness; maybe they live in foolishness, rejecting even the slightest possibility of their being a God who will judge living and the dead. Picture these people in your mind’s eye, living in the silence of unbelief. You, Dearly Beloved, have a Word; a Life-giving, Life-changing Word that can break the silence and bring the blessings of Christ to their lives. Will you break the silence and through Word and Deed proclaim the blessings of forgiveness and life through Christ crucified and risen from the dead?
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, when the world in silence waited, God sent His Son to speak-forth heavenly blessings to mankind, to take away the sting of sin and death, to restore life and joy to all who call upon His name. God in His goodness placed people in your life to speak and live out His blessings and love, so that your life could be filled with the Good News of God’s love for you in Christ. Now you, empowered and guided by God’s Spirit, are being sent to break the silence in this world: to proclaim to every man, woman, boy, and girl that a Savior has come and He is Christ the Lord; to fill the world with the sweet harmony of the life-giving, life-changing Word of God; To let your prayers and songs of praise to Jesus ring throughout the heavens; To let your acts of love speak forth the truth of God’s good work in your life; to speak words of forgiveness, hope, faith, and love found in Christ alone. Wherever God sends His people: may the silence be broken, may the blessings of Christ be poured out in abundance, and may the world sing for joy at the Good News of our King.
To God be the glory, now and always! Amen!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I had the wonderful privilege of standing with 10s of thousands of fellow peoples on the Olympia Capital steps. We stood there the day after MLK day to fight the greatest civil rights battle of our lifetime; the fight for the right to life of ALL people. The March for Life has become a rallying point across our Nation as those who hold dearly to the truth that all life is a sacred gift, join together on capital states and in legislative buildings to demand that our most vulnerable in society be afforded the same protections as every other human being. The March is but one day in an ongoing struggle to protect the unborn; it is a struggle that will only be won when those who acknowledge that life is a gift from their Creator, speak in love to the hearts and minds of those who have yet to come to know the preciousness of life. We don't stand up to say "we are better than you", we stand up to say "we want you to understand the same joy and excitement that we find in life." I look forward to the day when the need to rally at the capital will be a thing of the past, and instead we will host parties celebrating the end to a policy of death. To win this fight, I encourage you to talk to your friends and family who stand opposite you and tell them why you value life; know your state legislatures and where they stand on the issue of life, and let them know where you stand; most of all pray: pray for those on the front lines of this fight, pray for those who are and will be confronted with this issue of life, pray for repentance and forgiveness for those who have had abortions, most of all pray that the heart of this great nation will be turned humbly to God that He may heal the brokenness in our land.

Every year we gather at the capital, our thousands are met by a dozen protesters. Yes there are people who don't agree with me on this issue. Know that this is not a condemnation of anyone; rather its a plea for matter where you stand on this or any issue, you are a life, a gift from God to be treasured and love. One of the traditions we have done on occasion at the march is to address the protesters and shout our "We love you." God is love, I pray that that love may be manifested in each of our lives; that darkness may flee at His light; that wounds may be healed; that goodness may prevail; that all may come to celebrate and treasure the joy of Life!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well, it's long standing tradition to write a "New Years" post on these things. I guess I have been avoiding it, because there is so much about this new year that is uncertain for me. I know that I am moving back to Texas in may. And while I am excited about being closer to family and friends in Texas and believe that is where God is guiding my life, I am sad about the many people who are like family that I will be leaving here. Other things are up in the air, like whether I will start grad school immediately in the Fall or wait a year or two and get a job.

But I am not going to dwell on these questions tonight, rather I want to think about this New Year, in the terms of the new beginning we have in Christ. I wish I could say that in the past year, I finally got this life thing perfected, but who would I be fooling? No, more times than I would like to admit, I've found myself frolicking in the pig slop of sin with the prodigal son; at times I have let that Old sinful Adam creep up in my life and turn my heart from the God who formed me and loves me....Oh I wish I could say that this new year, I would put that sin thing behind me for good! Doesn't God say "He who has been Baptized, has died to sin"? Shouldn't sin be over and done with? But no, as long as we live in this fallen broken world we will feebly struggle against the battle of sin in our lives.

Thanks be to God, that He has taken our battle with sin to the cross; where He paid the wages of death on our behalf! Though the battle rages on, the war has been won. He who believes and has been baptized, has indeed been buried with Christ in His death, and has risen to new life in Christ. It's not so much that I celebrate a new year, but daily celebrate the new life, that I have in Christ. That as often as I confess my sins to the Lord, He will look graciously upon me and forgive me my sins. Daily I come to the cross, that symbol of torture and shame, and I make that sign of the cross upon my heart (as was done at my baptism) to remind me that I am one marked as belonging to God; His stamp of life and forgiveness on my heart. Daily I ask God to put to death any sinful desires and to set my heart upon my Savior, to put His sweet praises on my lips, to fill this body of mine with His Spirit that today I might serve Him in faithfulness and love.

No, not a new year so much, as every day a new creation; created in Christ Jesus to do good works. And I pray that through out this year that we have been given, that each of you may be made and remade in Christ's image; that you may know Him, and love Him, and Serve Him; and that in those moments when you are broken by sin, you may stand at the foot of the one who has wiped all that sin away...and you may receive again, anew the blessed Good News that we are God's baptized children; we are children of the Heavenly Father!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Don't Stop Celebrating!

Just a reminder, don't stop celebrating Christmas yet! This is just the 4th day of Christmas, you should have received "4 calling birds" from your true love ancient Christian tradition the 4 calling birds represented the proclamation of the 4 Gospels that our true love Jesus Christ gave to us. Get ready for tomorrow and those 5 golden rings! So grab your cup of cheer and sing a few Christmas carols...don't let the schedules of man force you to cut your celebration of Christ's birth short!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A northwest twist on a Christmas classic!

I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
Just like the one's I used to know
Where the treetops drip
And children skip
To go squish squashing in the mud

I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
With every Christmas card I get
May your days be windy and damp
And may all your Christmases be wet

Actually, today was pretty beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010


I'm rusty I must admit. Several years ago, I could blog multiple times a day and always come up with something new and insightful to say; but now drawing up the words seem like trying drink a milkshake through a straw that is just too thin. I know that you don't want to read blogs about my desire or inability to blog, that would win the lame blog of the year award! I do have some thoughts...

1:15 from the total lunar eclipse. Supposed to be the darkest night in like 400 and something years. On such a night I can't help but to think about the darkness of this world. The sins and temptations that lurk around every corner; the sin and temptation that lurks within our own fragile bodies. The darkness that closes around us, that takes away our ability to faithfully traverse the paths that God marks out for us; the darkness that makes it impossible to see and know our God. We see this darkness in the world around us: broken relationships, violence, hatred, murder, lies, deceit, greed, lust, pride, arrogance...this is the darkness of our world, and if we are totally honest with ourselves, this is the darkness of our lives.

Yet, we do not live in darkness; the darkness has been overcome by light...the light of our Savior. Christ's light penetrates into the darkest corners of our world, the darkest corners of our souls and He shines with love and grace and forgiveness. His light breaks forth and reveals the love of our God who took the sin of the world upon Him and experienced the cold darkness of the grave. God's light still comes to man today; His Holy Spirit to illumine our lives, to be a light unto our path, to defeat the darkness in our lives and draw us to faith and life, to shine through us as Christians so that we can take that light into this dark world.

I did one of my favorite things last night. I drove around and looked at Christmas lights. Some say looking at Christmas lights are for children, and I say "yes, they are for the children of God". Because they serve as a reminder of the coming of the Light of the World on Christmas morn; just a glimpse of light, but a witness to the world that Jesus is come, and the darkness will flee.

Perfect timing on the radio, "Light of the world, you came down into darkness..." God is good, have a Merry Christmas!